Andrew Lanham

my (somewhat filtered) thoughts

Welcome to my space!

My name is Andrew, and I live in Chicago where I work as a software engineer at Architect Financial Technologies.

My technical project summaries as well as my (non-technical) writing will live here, and will do my best to separate them in an intuitive way. Those can be found above in the “Categories” tab.


Previously, I worked at IMC Trading (also in Chicago), where I wrote fast code to interface with OCC exchanges. There I learned about how trading on exchanges works (e.g. symbology, market data, order sending) and implemented several flavors of FIX and SBE protocols.

Prior to that, I was in Seattle working on the VRBO homepage as a data scientist, running feature tests to answer questions like “Does using X image as the cover photo see a higher user conversion rate than using Y image”?

I interned at Maxar Technologies after my junior year of college where I built a system using Kafka to parse customer requests that told a satellite to go and capture the image.

Before that, I was a CS student at the University of Michigan (Go Blue!).


Generally, I enjoy solving interesting problems but find myself particularly drawn to projects in the following domains:

  • Markets (financial, betting, prediction, real estate)
  • Health (tracking, and ultimately, improvement)
  • Public Infrastructure (In Chicago, the US, and the world at large)

I am not tied to a particular language; I think the language ought to be chosen by the project rather than vice-versa. That said, I’ve written a good amount of C++, Rust, Java, and Python.

Contact me

I enjoy chatting about all of the things in life, so if our ideas cross, let me know!